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1.Examine the following command:
SET plsql_warnings *
What is the implication of the above command.?
A. It issues a warning whenever ERROR: 05003 occur during compilation.
B. It causes the compilation to fail whenever the warning ERROR.05003 occurs.
C. It issues warnings whenever the code causes an unexpected action or wrong results performance
D. It causes the compilation to fail whenever the code gives wrong results or contains statements that are
never executed.
Answer: C
1.Examine the following command:
SET plsql_warnings *
What is the implication of the above command.?
A. It issues a warning whenever ERROR: 05003 occur during compilation.
B. It causes the compilation to fail whenever the warning ERROR.05003 occurs.
C. It issues warnings whenever the code causes an unexpected action or wrong results performance
D. It causes the compilation to fail whenever the code gives wrong results or contains statements that are
never executed.
Answer: C
2.Which two tasks should be created as functions instead of as procedures? (Choose two.)
A. reference host or bind variables in a PL7SQL block of code
B. tasks that compute and return multiple values to the calling environment
C. tasks that compute a value that must be returned to the calling environment
D. tasks performed in SQL that increase data independence by processing complex data analysis within
the Oracle server, rather than by retrieving the data into an application
Answer: A,B
A. reference host or bind variables in a PL7SQL block of code
B. tasks that compute and return multiple values to the calling environment
C. tasks that compute a value that must be returned to the calling environment
D. tasks performed in SQL that increase data independence by processing complex data analysis within
the Oracle server, rather than by retrieving the data into an application
Answer: A,B
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