Microsoft Programming in HTML5 with JavaScript and CSS3 70-480
Exam Number/Code : 70-480
Exam Name : Programming in HTML5 with JavaScript and CSS3
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Questions and Answers : 69Q&As
Update Time : 2013-10-21
Price :$89.00
Exam Number/Code : 70-480
Exam Name : Programming in HTML5 with JavaScript and CSS3
One year free update
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Questions and Answers : 69Q&As
Update Time : 2013-10-21
Price :$89.00
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Question: 1
You are developing a customer contact form that will be displayed on a page of a company??s website. The page collects information about the customer. If a customer enters a value before submitting the form, it must be a valid email address. You need to ensure that the data validation requirement is met. What should you use?
A. <input name=??email?? type=??url??/>
B. <input name=??email?? type=??text?? required=??required??/>
C. <input name=??email?? type=??text??/>
D. <input name=??email?? type=??email??/>
Answer: D
Question: 1
You are developing a customer contact form that will be displayed on a page of a company??s website. The page collects information about the customer. If a customer enters a value before submitting the form, it must be a valid email address. You need to ensure that the data validation requirement is met. What should you use?
A. <input name=??email?? type=??url??/>
B. <input name=??email?? type=??text?? required=??required??/>
C. <input name=??email?? type=??text??/>
D. <input name=??email?? type=??email??/>
Answer: D
Question: 2
You are developing an application that consumes a Windows Communication Foundation (WCF) service. The application interacts with the service by using the following code. (Line numbers are included for reference only.) You need to authenticate to the WCF service. What should you do?
A. At line 11, add the following lines of code. ,username: yourusername ,password: yourpassword
B. At line 11, add the following line of code. ,credentials: prompt
C. At line 06, replace the code with the following line of code. url: ?? Username=username&password=psssword??,
D. At line 11, add the following line of code. The username and password will be stored in an XML file. ,credentials: credentials.xml
Answer: A
You are developing an application that consumes a Windows Communication Foundation (WCF) service. The application interacts with the service by using the following code. (Line numbers are included for reference only.) You need to authenticate to the WCF service. What should you do?
A. At line 11, add the following lines of code. ,username: yourusername ,password: yourpassword
B. At line 11, add the following line of code. ,credentials: prompt
C. At line 06, replace the code with the following line of code. url: ?? Username=username&password=psssword??,
D. At line 11, add the following line of code. The username and password will be stored in an XML file. ,credentials: credentials.xml
Answer: A
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